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Here is a little more info about who we are and where we are coming from.

We don't just talk about social media and its ramifications, we've got the experience to back-up our claims!

About Us ...

​Erika enjoys long walks in the ideasphere, puppies and twitter hashtags. She has three PhDs - one in postmodern collage, one in post-structuralist actor rangling, and one in algorithmic discourse. Her Friday nights consist of deconstructing the subject through collage, rangling actors and talking about mathematical if statements. 

I'm a paragraph!!! I live by this creed: Kelly, can you handle this?; Michelle, can you handle this?; Beyonce, can you handle this?; I don't think they can handle this!

You should believe everything I say because I have PhD In Phunkologé with a concentration in "Cow Phunk". Plus, because of my dry skin, I use Dove Beauty Bar. If you didn't know - its because we've never met.

Also, I'm currently working on my magnum opus which will detail societies philosophical shift from Postmodernism (PoMo) to what myself and Dr. Zendel have dubbed PreFuturism. When I tweet I often hashtag it (#prefuturism) so watch it!

Jean is a certified Social Media Psycho therapist. She uses innovative therapy techniques to help patients struggling with Social Media dysfunctions and Mass Technological Overload Stress Syndrome (MTOSS).

Having completed her professional training at the University of Mental Web Health in Coolbrook, Colorado, Jean decided to base her practice in her hometown of Montreal QC. 

She firmly believes in the powers of crystals to heal the universe and will gladly convert any non-believer using the "Media Magnetics" technique she created and patented in the early stages of her career.

Julia teaches Enlightening the Virtual Masses In Order to Reform the World Order and Achieve World Peace 101 at a meditation center in the Arizona desert. After a spirtual experience in Mexico where she was know as Hulia Tortilla El Grande, all became clear:

If you don't have tortillas to make a quesadilla eat the cheese.

Knowledge is cheese.




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